Welcome to A TBI's Corner!  The place designed to help you learn more just about what a Traumatic Brain Injury really is.

Come here to find ways of succeeding in school.  Find ideas tools and resources so you can achieve all of your dreams!

Find links to websites for other organizations who may be able to help you out better, such as TBI Raiders!

If you have recently sustained a Traumatic Brain Injury and are still in school, you are probably wondering what life has to offer you now.  You may feel like a complete outsider or you will never fit in once more with people.  If you feel like you don't have enough information on TBI, haven't a clue about the realities of living with this disability and all the above, know you are not alone.  Traumatic Brain Injury may affect more Americans than what Breast Cancer, HIV/AIDS, Multiple Scelrosis, and Spinal Cord Injuries will COMBINED but not enough is known on the disability.  Not only does more understanding and educating need to take place but more opportunities to succeed need to be created as well.  This is something that TBI Raiders hopes to do in the long run. 

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